





Apocalpse Bunker Disks

what follows is a list of things past that were once//once future once present//once upon us//once//2021//Interior Realms, Theatrum Mundai//Spirit Box with Blanc Sceol, TQN-AUT//2020//Interstice, ARTCAMP//Lean into Roses, Mopomoso//Closer Still, Water Way Arts//One Handed Improv, Mopomoso//Deep Listening Interstice, The Study Group//Dandelion Salve//Ice Since Fire, Linear Obsessional//The Stone, Meghana Bisineer//Raft//Becoming Shelf, Linear Obsessional/The Dirty South//2019//Capillary Tissues, Art in Perpetuity Trust//Irruptive Chora, Set//The SEER, Woodland Gathering//World Zero, Supersonic Festival//Dronica, London//MAO Intonation, Guerrilla Studio//Coding in GE, Iklectik//Reyner Tish Presents, GROW//2018//The SEER, Woodland Gathering//The SEER, Safe House 2//I am SNOW, Space Studios//2017//DRAWN, book launch, LADA// And the Ground Gave Way Tenderly, Lewisham Arthouse//Sex Toys on Drums, Queer Puppets Cabaret, The Quarter House //2016//DRAWN, ]Performance S P A C E[//Hug Roux Law//Brick Conjure, The Skeleton House//2015//Semi-Colon, Action Space//Spontaneous Combustion Festival, Hug Roux Law//Felt Acts, Heckle, Bosse & Baum//2014//WPAC open, 38 Hoe Street//Vanishing Entities, Lime Wharf//Hello Ape Eyes, Brunel Tunnel//Liebe RA, MKII//Ode Action, Guerrilla Studio//7th ICCCA COAL ESSENCE Iron Forming Art, Ritual and Landscape, Pedvale Museum//Heteroglossia, Central Saint Martins//Materialising Site, Lethaby Gallery//Nourishment, Anatums Abode//Live Your Dreams, Crypt Gallery//Eye Saw Volcano, Pilgrim Age, Transmediale Festival//2013//Navigate Performance Party, The Glass Factory//Action Ode, The Levitated//Found, Royal Academy of Arts//Tomorrow Ill be Elsewhere, A-Side B-Side Gallery//M.S.G (Madness, Sanity & Gentrification)//Responsive Spaces, The Parasol Unit//Intermission: An Audio Portrait of Place, Lisbon Architecture Triennale//MAYDAY, ]performance s p a c e [//Third Block, Cafe OTO Project Space//Corps Exquis, Battersea Arts Center//Edge of the Land, Hundred Years Gallery//Sounding Space, The Sound Portal//InTransit, V22//2012//OpenHouse, MOMA PS1//Nothing will come of nothing. Speak Again. A chance conversation between John Cage and Antonin Artaud. The Situation Room//Pussy Riot Je t Aime, Le Baron Paris//